All parents want the best for their children and wish to see them grow in a positive way. But, there are challenges that come in the way of our life, for instance, when it comes to supporting children who have limb differences.
Playing sports, going to school, and even walking around with friends becomes a challenge for them, and that it requires serious mental and physical adjustment. There are many children who never fully regain their confidence after losing or severely damaging a limb.
But with the help of pediatric prosthetics, you can give your child confidence, courage, and impetus that can maximize the opportunities of living even with a disorderly limb functioning.
To get the right treatment and pediatric prosthetics, you should contact the certified professionals (doctors, physical therapists, orthotists, and prosthetists) who will evaluate, design, custom fit, and manufacture all types of orthotics, and prosthetics after duly assessing the needs of the child so that pediatric prosthetics can fulfill their needs.
Technology brings in pediatric prosthetics for children and adults that can rehabilitate them.
Let’s Check Out What Conditions Call for Pediatric Orthotics:
Foot pronation
Foot supination
Leg and foot spasticity
Hip dysplasia
Foot or ankle mal-alignment
Severe metatarsus adductus
Tibial torsion
See Two Types of Pediatric Prosthetics:
A baby is fitted with a special helmet to correct the shape of the skull when the child’s head is diagnosed with deformational plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, or scaphocephaly, and when the child is less than 15 months old. Helmet molding therapy, or cranial orthosis, is here to help. Cranial remolding is usually prescribed to correct the shape of the baby’s head.
Pediatric prosthetics come as prosthetic arm and prosthetic hand, prosthetic leg and prosthetic foot, and pediatric prosthetics.
When it comes to buying pediatric prosthetics, make sure to have consulted with a pediatric prosthetics therapist and got the right prosthetic recommendation.