Friday, April 28, 2023

When Should You Consider Physical Therapy for Your Child?

According to most people, pediatric physical therapy is only for children with injuries, especially during sports. But, that is not true at all. Physical therapy is beneficial for many children who are suffering from developmental delays and need therapy to overcome challenges.

If you want to know if your child needs pediatric physical therapy or when you should consider consulting with a physical therapist, continue reading.

Here we have mentioned the signs that can be easily identified. And, if your child shows the following signs, you must consider discussing the condition with a physical therapist. 

Your child is behind on developmental skills such as crawling, rolling, walking and jumping

  • The shape of your child’s head shape is flattened or asymmetrical

  • Your child has a preference for one side (turning head only to the left, rolling only to the right, feeding on one side, only using one hand to play or do things)

  • Walks on tip-toes, walks in an atypical/awkward manner or trips over their feet

  • Clumsy, frequently falls or walks into objects, or is not aware of their surroundings

  • Coordination difficulties (throwing, catching, kicking, hopping, skipping, jumping jacks)

  • Don’t prefer running, playgrounds, climbing, swings

  • Can’t keep up with other children of the same age group

  • Have muscle weakness or is “double-jointed”

  • Don’t like sitting or standing straight

  • Recently gone through injury/surgery and complains of pain

Now let’s learn the most common pediatric conditions that can be treated with physical therapy-

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD

  • Childhood obesity

  • Torticollis and Plagiocephaly, and Brachycephaly

  • Neurological conditions (Brachial Plexus Injuries (Erb’s Palsy), Cerebral Palsy, Spina bifida, or Concussions)

  • Genetic syndromes (Muscular Dystrophy, Down syndrome)

  • Walking difficulties (walking on tip-toes, frequent falling, abnormal walking patterns)

  • Orthopaedic conditions (Scoliosis, leg pain, sports injuries, foot deformities, arthritis)

  • Heart and lung conditions (Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis)

  • Vision or hearing impairments

If your child is showing the signs given in this write-up, you must consult with physical therapists and take their advice. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

كيف تجد أفضل معالج نطق للأطفال في دبي

 ثرثرة أحادية المقطع لطفل صغير هي أحلى موسيقى لآذان والديها. ومع ذلك ، يواجه العديد من الأطفال بعض الصعوبة الأولية في نطق كلماتهم الأولى. المشكلة قابلة للشفاء ، وبدلاً من القلق ، يجب على الوالدين استشارة معالج النطق على الفور.

علاج النطق للأطفال في دبي

على مدى العقود القليلة الماضية ، تم تحسين خدمات الرعاية الصحية بشكل ملحوظ في دبي. والقطاع الذي يشمل الرعاية الشاملة للأطفال أو طب الأطفال ليس استثناءً. في بعض مراكز رعاية الأطفال الشهيرة والموثوقة في هذه المدينة ، يمكنك الحصول على أفضل علاج للنطق في دبي. تشتهر هذه المراكز بتكوين فرق مؤهلة من المعالجين والاستشاريين المؤهلين تأهيلاً عالياً والمدربين تدريباً شاملاً وذوي الخبرة الكافية والذين يسعون جاهدين لمساعدة كل طفل على تحقيق أهدافه الفردية بنجاح. تشمل المشاكل التي يقدمون لها العلاج ما يلي:

• تعذر الأداء النطقي في مرحلة الطفولة

• اضطراب / تأخر صوت الكلام


• تأخير اللغة

• اضطراب اللغة التنموي

• اضطراب اللغة البراغماتي

• حالة طيف التوحد

الشلل الدماغي

• الاضطرابات الصبغية / الجينية

• تأخر النمو العالمي

ضعف السمع

كيف يعمل علاج النطق؟

يتم تقديم الدعم باستخدام الاستشارة أو التدخل الفردي أو الجماعي. من خلال الاستفادة من الألعاب الممتعة والتشجيعية ، يقنعون الأطفال بالاهتمام بالأصوات ، ومساعدتهم على تحديد الأصوات بشكل مناسب ، وممارسة نطق الأصوات في الكلمات والجمل الصغيرة. من حين لآخر ، يمكن استخدام نهج يسمى PROMPT علاج الكلام (PROMPT لتقف على إعادة هيكلة الأهداف الصوتية العضلية العضلية للفم) حيث يتم إعطاء المؤشرات لمساعدة الدماغ والفم على العمل معًا. تُستخدم أدوات مثل الاتصال المعزز والبديل (AAC) أيضًا لمساعدة الأطفال على تطوير نظام متسق وفعال لتوصيل مشاعرهم وأفكارهم.

لحجز موعد الآن ، قم بزيارة المواقع الرسمية لمراكز رعاية الأطفال المتميزة هذه واتبع التعليمات الواردة هناك. لا تتردد في الاتصال بمهنييهم لأي استفسارات ذات صلة.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Types of Feeding Disorders

Is your child having difficulty with feeding and swallowing? Is your little champ a picky eater? Having feeding or swallowing problems may lead to malnutrition as well as serious health issues. If you find your child is having continuous problems with chewing, swallowing or feeding problems, you should not wait but look for a reliable pediatric rehabilitation center that offers effective feeding therapy for toddlers and growing children.nter that offers effective feeding therapy for toddlers and growing children.

Here are a few feeding problems children often 

  • Gagging, choking, or vomiting when eating

  • Showing tantrums at mealtimes

  • Oral motor and sensory problems

  • Problem accepting and swallowing different food textures

  • Reject to eat certain food groups

  • Not happy with solids or liquids

  • Gastrostomy (g-tube) or naso-gastric (ng-tube) dependence

If you see your child has any of these above-mentioned feeding disorders in Dubai, you should consult top pediatric feeding therapists.

How Will They Help?

Experienced feeding therapists carefully assess the condition of the kid. They also go through the medical history of the child. After detecting the root cause of the problem, they devise a strategic tailored feeding therapy program. The goal of this therapy is to make the meantime happy and less stressful for the child. They introduce various playful techniques that help the child enjoy the therapy session from the beginning till it goes. The best part, the feeding therapists often include parents in this therapy program. They meticulously demonstrate how to perform the activities so that the parents could try out the same thing even at home.

Before you visit a pediatric rehabilitation center for feeding therapy, it is important to check the online reviews and reputation of the clinic. Make sure they offer customized treatment for your child to address their unique needs.

3 Ways to Combat Feeding Disorders for Kids with Professional Therapists

Raising a child can be a whirlwind of emotions, especially when it comes to mealtimes. Picky eaters are one thing, but if you suspect your c...