Saturday, August 6, 2022

Occupation Therapy for Kids

You are aware of the many ways an occupational therapist can benefit you whether you have a loved one who has gotten occupational therapy or if you have had occupational therapy yourself. There are prestigious pediatric rehabilitation clinics that offer occupational therapy in Dubai.

Why Would Occupational Therapy Be Needed for a Child?

If your loved one was under the age of three, occupational therapy may have been recommended because of a delay in fine motor abilities and/or issues maintaining their regulation (ability to keep a calm, attentive, and engaged demeanor). Perhaps your child has trouble eating, so the occupational therapist worked to help them acquire the coordinated oral-motor skills they required to chew and swallow food properly.

Perhaps your child struggles with self-help abilities; as a result, the occupational therapist assisted your child in learning how to dress and clean their teeth.

Your personal anecdotal experience with occupational therapy may be the way you define what occupational therapy is depending on the context and what you, a loved one, or your child were helped with. This is because occupational therapy focuses on improving a wide variety of underlying skills that manifest into function. 

What additional issues does an occupational therapist assist kids with, then?

OTs undoubtedly assist children with feeding by enhancing their coordination and ability to safely chew food, generate a bolus, and swallow. Children who struggle with their oral motor muscles, have poor oral motor awareness, or have trouble with the feeding sequence might be referred to occupational therapy, where we will jointly work on the fundamental abilities required for success.

The prefrontal cortex is where executive functioning and its variety of skills are developed, and these abilities are crucial to our growth. All of the critical components of executive functioning abilities that occupational therapists work on with your child to assist their growth. In order for your child to develop better self-awareness regarding their regulation, the therapist may concentrate on assisting them in identifying how their "engine" is now operating. Afterward, you might teach your child suitable sensory-based re-regulation techniques.

You should look for top pediatric centers that offer highly effective occupational therapy for kids in Dubai. This will help you bring your child to the usual life track.

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