Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Do Physiotherapy Works for Children with Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a type of neurological disorder that is noticeable in children of different age groups. This special condition affects a child’s ability to control their muscles and movement. It is a type of motor disability that is quite common in childhood. This condition can vary in severity from mild to critical. 

Causes of CP

CP is caused by various reasons including abnormalities in the developing brain that can occur before or during birth. However, it can also happen in early childhood due to other conditions. Let’s have a look at the root causes of CP.

  • Genetic disorders or differences in brain development

  • Maternal infections

  • A disruption of blood supply to the developing brain

  • Bleeding into the brain in the womb or as a newborn

  • Infant infections resulting in inflammation in or around the brain

  • Traumatic head injury from an accident, fall or physical abuse

  • Lack of oxygen to the brain due to difficult labor or delivery

Symptoms of Cerebral palsy

The symptoms of CP can vary. However, it mostly involves difficulties with muscle control and coordination. The most common signs of cerebral palsy are muscle stiffness (spasticity), poor coordination, balance issues, involuntary movements, and difficulty with fine motor skills. These specific symptoms can severely affect mobility, speech, and daily activities in childhood as well as in the future.

How to manage This condition?

There are effective treatments and therapies for cerebral palsy, which can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for children with CP. Among different treatments, physiotherapy for children with CP is highly effective and tailored to the specific needs of individuals. Physiotherapy involves occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other treatment plans to manage muscle tone, and orthopedic interventions.

How Physiotherapy for CP Helps-

  • Improve mobility and functionality

  • Manage spasticity and muscle tone

  • Improve posture and balance

  • Assist with assistive devices

  • Enhance gross motor skills

If you want to learn more about physiotherapy for CP and get help from experts, contact pediatric physiotherapists near you to discuss your child’s condition and get the best treatment plan.

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